Mane'e Ceremony

In previous Posts , I’ve told you about many great place in the Talaud, So now, I would like to share Info with you about an example ritual ceremony in this Regency, which one is Mane’e This is the Ritual Ceremony of Traditional Fish Catching (This is the Traditional Ritual since many years ago from their founding fathers that made it from their activity as a sailor). It...

Piapi Mountain

Still in the Talaud Friends. Now, we talk about destination place for the adventurers. You can enjoy hiking activity and many adventure activity in Piapi Mountain. You can reach this place with 2 hours trip from Talaud’s Capital City to Pulutan Village (First Basecamp of Piapi’s Mountain, because this village located in Mountain’s Foot), and continue to top of this Mountain. In...

Ampa Pitu Waterfall

Ampa Pitu Waterfall is an unique waterfall in Talaud. What a Great Place Friend. Why this waterfall is very unique?? Because this Waterfall has  7 level place  like a little rock valley. So, the trip to explore this waterfall is very exciting. This Waterfall located at Rusoh Village that can be reach about 45 minutes from Melonguane by Car. How a wonderfull...

Totombatu Cave

Totombatu Cave is a Historical Place of Talaud. This cave is located between Niampak and Tarohan Village approximately 45 minutes from Melonguane by Car. Totombatu Cave already existed since 15 century, this cave have a very old and unique grave for King Tatuhe, His Guards and His Soldiers & Knights that have fight against colonialism in the land of Porodisa ( Talaud...


Wooow, one of the most recommended place to visit. Sara Island... Hmmmm, Talaud has many beautiful place… What a nice regency in North Sulawesi. Here a short description about SARA ISLAND that located in Talaud, North Sulawesi. Heavily  forested with lush verdant tropical vegetation, this tiny island bustled  with the activity of Maleo birds,cockatoos,etc....

Melonguane Beach

Talaud has many tourism destination place to visit, which one is Melonguane Beach. This coast located in sidetown of Melonguane ( Capital City of Talaud Regency), with white sand, great place, wonderful view and also have the clear water, this place is very great to visit. The water condition in this place is very good if you want to swim and dive. You can enjoy the great...

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